›Shower Mix For Earth

Role : Planner, Art Director

The average time Americans spend in the shower is 8.2 minutes, making up almost 24% of the average household water use, making it one of the best places to reduce your water use in the home.

We found a powerful medium that can influence how long people shower. Shower Mix on Spotify. And we can tackle climate change in the most engaging way by simply twisting the minutes of the playlist.

[Spotify’s AI DJ]

We develop AI that lets people's shower mixes play for just 5 minutes.
By naturally condensing the five songs in the playlist to one minute each,
users can shorten their shower time without being interrupted while listening to the songs.

[The Greenest Single Album]

We extend the campaign by working with artists like Olivia Rodrigo, Post Malone, and New Jeans
to create the greenest single album with a 5-minute runtime.


Finally, We even start a karaoke challenge on social media where people
had to finish showering and singing in five minutes.

Credit: Gahyeon Kim, Eunwoo Kim, Yul Han, Sung min Lee


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