›Radical Beauty
Role : Planner, Art Director
While Dove’s Real Beauty campaign has been empowering women for decades, the world is still in need of greater changes as can be seen from AI today. These AIs growing in power reflect biased beauty standards and their perspective, while initially constructed by ours, in turn can shape ours. So beauty needed a new definition. Dove redefines beauty to be a new paradigm for the next 20 years; we call it Radical Beauty.
Radical beauty extends beyond the physical. It is all parts of your inner and outer being, your most authentic self: beauty is you.
We launched the campaign with very first online protest to challenge AI's algorithm around beauty.
and we challenged the public to make pledges and submit their own definition of beauty.
[Open Dataset]
With thousands of responses, we compiled a dataset, open-sourcing it for AI training
so they can adopt a new algorithm on beauty.
[Out of home]
Then, we let the world witness the changes by encouraging them to test the prompts themselves on AI.